Sunday, April 28, 2013
1st Day
I had a great opening day of spring turkey 2013. We were up early and in the ground blind by 5:20 am and had turkeys gobbling by 6am. I could not get one to come into my decoy set, but they were sure fun to work.
I am hoping to get out another day this week or on Sat. for sure. How is your Pa turkey season starting?
Friday, April 26, 2013
Good Luck Pa Turkey Hunters
Good Luck and be SAFE all you Pa hunters heading out in the morning for spring turkey. The weather looks great here in Pittsburgh and I plan on being in a ground blind around 5 am.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Trailer Frame
The frame was welded into place for my action trackchair. I need to order the custom canvas cover next week and make a few minor tweaks, then it should be road ready.
This should eliminate the need to tarp the wheelchair before and after each day of hunting. I can't wait until this project is completed. I think it looks great and should make hunting easier.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
PA 2013-2014 Seasons And Bag Limits Adopted
PA 2013-2014 Seasons And Bag Limits Adopted; Doe License Allocations Set : The Outdoor Wire
Mark your calenders boys and girls
A listing of most 2013-2014 seasons and daily bag limits is as follows:
SQUIRRELS, Red, Gray, Black and Fox (Combined): Special season for eligible junior hunters, with or without required license, and mentored youth - Oct. 12-18 (6 daily).
SQUIRRELS, Red, Gray, Black and Fox (Combined): Oct. 19-Nov. 30; Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26-Feb. 22 (6 daily).
RUFFED GROUSE: Oct. 19-Nov. 30, Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26-Jan. 25 (2 daily).
RABBIT (Cottontail) Special season for eligible junior hunters, with or without required license: Oct. 12-19 (4 daily).
RABBIT (Cottontail): Oct. 26-Nov. 30, Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26-Feb. 22 (4 daily).
PHEASANT: Special season for eligible junior hunters, with or without required license - Oct. 12-19 (2 daily). Male pheasants only in WMUs 2A, 2C, 4C, 4E, 5A and 5B. Male and female pheasants may be taken in all other WMUs. There is no open season for the taking of pheasants in any Wild Pheasant Recovery Areas in any WMU.
PHEASANT: Male only in WMUs 2A, 2C, 4C, 4E, 5A and 5B - Oct. 26-Nov. 30, Dec 16-24 and Dec. 26-Feb 22. Male and female may be taken in all other WMUs - Oct. 26-Nov. 30, Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26-Feb. 22 (2 daily). No open season for pheasants in any Wild Pheasant Recovery Areas.
BOBWHITE QUAIL: Oct. 26-Nov. 30 (4 daily). (Closed in WMUs 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D.)
HARES (SNOWSHOE RABBITS) OR VARYING HARES: Dec. 26-Jan. 1, in all WMUs except WMUs 3B, 3C and 3D, where season will run from Dec. 26-28 (1 daily).
WOODCHUCKS (GROUNDHOGS): No closed season, except on Sundays and during the regular firearms deer seasons. No limit.
PORCUPINES: Sept. 1-Mar. 31 (3 daily with a season limit of 10). Closed during the overlap with the regular firearms deer seasons.
CROWS: July 5-April 6, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday only. No limit.
WILD TURKEY (Male or Female): WMU 1B - Nov. 2-9 and Nov. 28-30; WMU 2B (Shotgun and bow and arrow) - Nov. 2-22 and Nov. 28-30; WMUs 1A, 2A and 2D - Nov. 2-16 and Nov. 28-30; WMUs 2C, 2E, 4A, 4B and 4D - Nov. 2-22 and Nov. 28-30; WMUs 2F, 2G and 2H - Nov. 2-16 and Nov. 28-30; WMUs 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4C and 4E - Nov. 2-22 and Nov. 28-30; WMU 5A - Nov. 5-7; WMUs 5B, 5C and 5D - CLOSED TO FALL TURKEY HUNTING.
SPRING GOBBLER (Bearded bird only): Special season for eligible junior hunters, with required license, and mentored youth - April 26, 2014. Only 1 spring gobbler may be taken during this hunt.
SPRING GOBBLER (Bearded bird only): May 3-31, 2014. Daily/season limit is 1; season limit may be expanded to 2 by persons who possess a valid special wild turkey license. From May 3-17, legal hunting hours are one-half hour before sunrise until noon; from May 19-31, legal hunting hours are one-half hour before sunrise until one-half hour after sunset.
BLACK BEAR (Statewide) Archery: Nov. 18-22. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (Statewide): Nov. 23-27. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 4C, 4D and 4E): Dec. 4-7. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 2B, 5B, 5C and 5D): Dec. 2-14. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D): Dec. 2-7. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D) Archery: Sept. 21-Nov. 16. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 5B) Archery: Oct. 5-Nov. 16. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 2B, 5B, 5C and 5D) Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-26. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 2B, 5B, 5C and 5D) Special Firearms: Oct. 24-26, for junior and senior license holders, disabled hunters with a permit to use a vehicle as a blind and resident active duty military.
ELK (Antlered or Antlerless): Nov. 4-9. Only one elk may be taken during the license year.
ELK, EXTENDED (Antlered and Antlerless): Nov. 11-16. Only one elk may be taken during the license year. Eligible elk license recipients who haven't harvested an elk by Nov. 9, in designated areas.
Elk, Special Conservation Tag (Antlered or Antlerless): Sept. 2-Nov. 9. One elk tag for one antlered or antlerless elk that was auctioned at the annual Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet.
DEER, ARCHERY (Antlerless Only) WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D: Sept. 21-Oct. 4, and Nov. 18-30. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ARCHERY (Antlered and Antlerless) WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D: Jan. 13-25. One antlered deer per hunting license year. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ARCHERY (Antlered and Antlerless) Statewide: Oct. 5-Nov. 16 and Dec. 26-Jan. 11. One antlered deer per hunting license year. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER (Antlered and Antlerless) WMUs 1A, 1B, 2B, 3A, 3D, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D: Dec. 2-14. One antlered deer per hunting license year. An antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER (Antlered Only) WMUs 2A, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3B, 3C, 4B, 4D and 4E: Dec. 2-6. One antlered deer per hunting license year. (Holders of valid DMAP antlerless deer permits may harvest antlerless deer on DMAP properties during this period.)
DEER (Antlered and Antlerless) WMUs 2A, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3B, 3C, 4B, 4D and 4E: Dec. 7-14. One antlered deer per hunting license year. An antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERLESS (Statewide): Oct. 24-26. Junior and Senior License Holders, Disabled Person Permit (to use a vehicle) Holders, and Pennsylvania residents serving on active duty in
U.S. Armed Services or in the U.S. Coast Guard only, with required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERLESS MUZZLELOADER (Statewide): Oct. 19-26. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERED OR ANTLERLESS FLINTLOCK (Statewide): Dec. 26-Jan. 11. One antlered deer per hunting license year, or one antlerless deer and an additional antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERED OR ANTLERLESS FLINTLOCK (WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D): Dec. 26-Jan. 25. One antlered deer per hunting license year, or one antlerless deer and an additional antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERLESS EXTENDED REGULAR FIREARMS: (Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties): Dec. 26-Jan. 25. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
COYOTES: No closed season. Unlimited. Outside of any big game season (deer, bear, elk and turkey), coyotes may be taken with a hunting license or a furtaker license, and without wearing orange. During any big game season, coyotes may be taken while lawfully hunting big game or with a furtakers license.
RACCOON and FOXES: Oct. 26-Feb. 22, unlimited.
OPOSSUM, SKUNKS and WEASELS: No closed season, except Sundays. No limits.
BOBCAT (WMUs 2A, 2C, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4A, 4C, 4D and 4E): Jan. 21-Feb. 11. One bobcat per license year, but all licensed furtakers may obtain one permit.
Mark your calenders boys and girls
A listing of most 2013-2014 seasons and daily bag limits is as follows:
SQUIRRELS, Red, Gray, Black and Fox (Combined): Special season for eligible junior hunters, with or without required license, and mentored youth - Oct. 12-18 (6 daily).
SQUIRRELS, Red, Gray, Black and Fox (Combined): Oct. 19-Nov. 30; Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26-Feb. 22 (6 daily).
RUFFED GROUSE: Oct. 19-Nov. 30, Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26-Jan. 25 (2 daily).
RABBIT (Cottontail) Special season for eligible junior hunters, with or without required license: Oct. 12-19 (4 daily).
RABBIT (Cottontail): Oct. 26-Nov. 30, Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26-Feb. 22 (4 daily).
PHEASANT: Special season for eligible junior hunters, with or without required license - Oct. 12-19 (2 daily). Male pheasants only in WMUs 2A, 2C, 4C, 4E, 5A and 5B. Male and female pheasants may be taken in all other WMUs. There is no open season for the taking of pheasants in any Wild Pheasant Recovery Areas in any WMU.
PHEASANT: Male only in WMUs 2A, 2C, 4C, 4E, 5A and 5B - Oct. 26-Nov. 30, Dec 16-24 and Dec. 26-Feb 22. Male and female may be taken in all other WMUs - Oct. 26-Nov. 30, Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26-Feb. 22 (2 daily). No open season for pheasants in any Wild Pheasant Recovery Areas.
BOBWHITE QUAIL: Oct. 26-Nov. 30 (4 daily). (Closed in WMUs 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D.)
HARES (SNOWSHOE RABBITS) OR VARYING HARES: Dec. 26-Jan. 1, in all WMUs except WMUs 3B, 3C and 3D, where season will run from Dec. 26-28 (1 daily).
WOODCHUCKS (GROUNDHOGS): No closed season, except on Sundays and during the regular firearms deer seasons. No limit.
PORCUPINES: Sept. 1-Mar. 31 (3 daily with a season limit of 10). Closed during the overlap with the regular firearms deer seasons.
CROWS: July 5-April 6, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday only. No limit.
WILD TURKEY (Male or Female): WMU 1B - Nov. 2-9 and Nov. 28-30; WMU 2B (Shotgun and bow and arrow) - Nov. 2-22 and Nov. 28-30; WMUs 1A, 2A and 2D - Nov. 2-16 and Nov. 28-30; WMUs 2C, 2E, 4A, 4B and 4D - Nov. 2-22 and Nov. 28-30; WMUs 2F, 2G and 2H - Nov. 2-16 and Nov. 28-30; WMUs 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4C and 4E - Nov. 2-22 and Nov. 28-30; WMU 5A - Nov. 5-7; WMUs 5B, 5C and 5D - CLOSED TO FALL TURKEY HUNTING.
SPRING GOBBLER (Bearded bird only): Special season for eligible junior hunters, with required license, and mentored youth - April 26, 2014. Only 1 spring gobbler may be taken during this hunt.
SPRING GOBBLER (Bearded bird only): May 3-31, 2014. Daily/season limit is 1; season limit may be expanded to 2 by persons who possess a valid special wild turkey license. From May 3-17, legal hunting hours are one-half hour before sunrise until noon; from May 19-31, legal hunting hours are one-half hour before sunrise until one-half hour after sunset.
BLACK BEAR (Statewide) Archery: Nov. 18-22. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (Statewide): Nov. 23-27. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 4C, 4D and 4E): Dec. 4-7. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 2B, 5B, 5C and 5D): Dec. 2-14. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D): Dec. 2-7. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D) Archery: Sept. 21-Nov. 16. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 5B) Archery: Oct. 5-Nov. 16. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 2B, 5B, 5C and 5D) Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-26. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.
BLACK BEAR (WMUs 2B, 5B, 5C and 5D) Special Firearms: Oct. 24-26, for junior and senior license holders, disabled hunters with a permit to use a vehicle as a blind and resident active duty military.
ELK (Antlered or Antlerless): Nov. 4-9. Only one elk may be taken during the license year.
ELK, EXTENDED (Antlered and Antlerless): Nov. 11-16. Only one elk may be taken during the license year. Eligible elk license recipients who haven't harvested an elk by Nov. 9, in designated areas.
Elk, Special Conservation Tag (Antlered or Antlerless): Sept. 2-Nov. 9. One elk tag for one antlered or antlerless elk that was auctioned at the annual Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet.
DEER, ARCHERY (Antlerless Only) WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D: Sept. 21-Oct. 4, and Nov. 18-30. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ARCHERY (Antlered and Antlerless) WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D: Jan. 13-25. One antlered deer per hunting license year. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ARCHERY (Antlered and Antlerless) Statewide: Oct. 5-Nov. 16 and Dec. 26-Jan. 11. One antlered deer per hunting license year. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER (Antlered and Antlerless) WMUs 1A, 1B, 2B, 3A, 3D, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D: Dec. 2-14. One antlered deer per hunting license year. An antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER (Antlered Only) WMUs 2A, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3B, 3C, 4B, 4D and 4E: Dec. 2-6. One antlered deer per hunting license year. (Holders of valid DMAP antlerless deer permits may harvest antlerless deer on DMAP properties during this period.)
DEER (Antlered and Antlerless) WMUs 2A, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3B, 3C, 4B, 4D and 4E: Dec. 7-14. One antlered deer per hunting license year. An antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERLESS (Statewide): Oct. 24-26. Junior and Senior License Holders, Disabled Person Permit (to use a vehicle) Holders, and Pennsylvania residents serving on active duty in
U.S. Armed Services or in the U.S. Coast Guard only, with required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERLESS MUZZLELOADER (Statewide): Oct. 19-26. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERED OR ANTLERLESS FLINTLOCK (Statewide): Dec. 26-Jan. 11. One antlered deer per hunting license year, or one antlerless deer and an additional antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERED OR ANTLERLESS FLINTLOCK (WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D): Dec. 26-Jan. 25. One antlered deer per hunting license year, or one antlerless deer and an additional antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
DEER, ANTLERLESS EXTENDED REGULAR FIREARMS: (Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties): Dec. 26-Jan. 25. One antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.
COYOTES: No closed season. Unlimited. Outside of any big game season (deer, bear, elk and turkey), coyotes may be taken with a hunting license or a furtaker license, and without wearing orange. During any big game season, coyotes may be taken while lawfully hunting big game or with a furtakers license.
RACCOON and FOXES: Oct. 26-Feb. 22, unlimited.
OPOSSUM, SKUNKS and WEASELS: No closed season, except Sundays. No limits.
BOBCAT (WMUs 2A, 2C, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4A, 4C, 4D and 4E): Jan. 21-Feb. 11. One bobcat per license year, but all licensed furtakers may obtain one permit.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Deer Recovery Vehicle
My new 1967 Deer Recovery Vehicle, it goes like hell on the street, but the 4 x 4 sucks. Lucky for me I do mostly urban hunting.
I Can't Wait For April 27th
I can't wait to catch this bird walking around the first morning ! I have big plans for him after I introduce him to my Mossberg Turkey Thug... How is your season going?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Is it Safe
I was telling a guy today I'm looking forward to spring turkey season, he said is it safe for you to hunt being disabled. I said not for the turkey.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Adapted Hunting Gear
Can you please take this survey if you use adapted hunting equipment and a wheelchair or pass it along to a disabled hunter. I am working on a new brace and your info would help a lot !
HARRISBURG – The cool spring so far throughout much of Pennsylvania may lead to increased gobbling for hunters planning to take part in the state’s spring wild turkey season.
The state’s one-day youth spring gobbler season is April 20, and will run from one-half hour before sunrise until noon. The general spring gobbler season is April 27 to May 31, with the traditional noon closure for the first two weeks – through May 11, and from one-half hour before sunrise until one-half hour after sunset the remainder of the season, beginning May 13. Hunters who purchase a second spring gobbler season license may harvest up to two bearded turkeys, one per day. Second tags must be purchased by April 19; they’re available from any license-issuing agent.
“Unlike last year’s warm early spring weather, which triggered an early start to gobbling, this year’s cooler-than-normal March and early April have suppressed gobbling activity,” explained Mary Jo Casalena, Pennsylvania Game Commission wild turkey biologist. “The arrival of warmer temperatures will bring more gobbling activity, and just in time for the spring turkey season.
“Our research has shown that, although weather affects gobbling, it does not affect the onset of egg-laying by hen turkeys,” Casalena said. “Rather, photoperiod, the amount of daylight, triggers it. And, similar to previous years, the hen turkeys that are equipped with radio transmitters are on course to begin incubating their nests as the spring turkey season opens. We open the spring gobbler season around the peak of nest incubation to minimize hen disturbance and mistaken kills. Nesting hens are less prone to come to a hunter’s call and abandon their nests.”
Another good sign for turkey hunters is that gobblers appear to have weathered winter well. “Gobblers are in good condition this spring, despite the cold winter, because of abundant mast in most of the Commonwealth – excluding the southwest counties, Casalena noted “That could mean those healthy males may just continue gobbling and looking for mates throughout the hunting season. That will make the coming season a very special time to be afield!”
Game Commission Game-Take Survey results show spring turkey hunting has become so popular that, since 2000, there now are more spring turkey hunters (227,000) than fall turkey hunters (158,000). Spring harvests average 34,000 to 39,000 bearded birds, while fall harvests average 14,400 to 20,200 birds of either sex.
“Pennsylvania has become a dream state for spring gobbler hunters, both for residents and out-of-staters, and not only because we manage one of the most prolific wild turkey populations in America,” noted PGC Executive Director Carl G. Roe. “The steps we have taken in recent years, such as extending the season to include Memorial Day and adding afternoon hours for the second half of the season, have been warmly received by turkey hunters everywhere. They welcome the opportunity to get afield more and their feedback and photos to the agency suggest they’re making the most of it.”
During the second half of the season, hunter participation decreases significantly and nesting hens are less prone to abandon nests, that’s why all-day hunting over the last two weeks of season is less likely to impact nesting. Moreover, the opportunity it provides to hunt woods occupied by few hunters is appreciated greatly, particularly by veteran callers and hunters who can’t get afield earlier in the day because of work or school.
The 2011 spring gobbler season was the first year of all-day hunting during the second half of the season, and the overall harvest has not increased from previous harvests. Since 2011 afternoon harvests comprise six percent of the total reported harvests and 22 percent of harvests during the all-day portion of the seasons. During the all-day portions of the seasons, 78 percent of the harvests occur by noon. For the afternoon segment, the majority of the harvest occurs between 6 and 8 p.m.
The Game Commission will continue to monitor the afternoon harvest in relation to population trends and age class of gobblers to gauge any impacts from all-day hunting. In the 49 states that conduct turkey seasons, 34 have all-day hunting for all or part of the season, including Maryland, Ohio and Virginia.
Recent spring and fall harvests are: 35,392 spring gobblers and a preliminary report of 13,995 fall turkeys in 2012 (final figures available this summer); 35,465 spring gobblers and 14,383 fall turkeys in 2011; 33,876 spring gobblers and 16,059 fall turkeys in 2010; 44,639 spring gobblers and 20,934 fall turkeys in 2009; 42,437 spring gobblers and 24,288 fall turkeys in 2008; 37,992 spring gobblers and 25,369 fall turkeys in 2007; and 39,339 spring gobblers and 24,482 fall turkeys in 2006.
Casalena encourages spring gobbler hunters to spend time scouting, which always plays an important role in hunter success, especially for those experienced older toms.
“Scouting improves hunters’ chances, especially if they line up multiple locations for the spring season,” Casalena said. “Learning several gobblers’ favorite strutting areas also is helpful for determining the best in-season set-up. This requires early-morning, pre-season scouting, but the potential in-season reward is worth it. Prior to the season, however, hunters should consider not using turkey calls to locate gobblers, because it will educate birds and cause them to be less inclined to respond to the early-morning calls of in-season hunters.”
Casalena also noted the importance of patience while hunting. “Last spring I wanted to move on a gobbler, but my hunting partner insisted on waiting,” she said. “Luckily I heeded his advice. Three gobblers finally came within gun range and we had a nice trophy to take home!”
Hunters are reminded that it is illegal to stalk turkeys or turkey sounds in the spring gobbler season. Given the wild turkey’s keen senses, it’s not a wise move anyway, but more importantly, it makes a tremendous difference for the personal safety of everyone afield. Every year, hunters are shot in mistake for game while approaching a hunter calling for turkeys, and/or callers are shot in mistake for game by stalking hunters.
The Game Commission encourages all spring gobbler hunters to hunt safely, defensively and to consider wearing fluorescent orange clothing while moving and posting a fluorescent orange alert band around a nearby tree when stationary – even though it is no longer required by law. Hunters should treat every sound and movement in the forest as if it’s another hunter until they can confirm positively it’s a legal turkey. Make an informed shooting decision by waiting until the gobbler is fully visible. Then look for the beard on the chest and take the bird if it’s within range.
Legal sporting arms are: shotguns plugged to three-shell capacity in the chamber and magazine combined; muzzleloading shotguns; and bows and crossbows with broadheads of cutting-edge design.
Shotshells must have shot size no larger than No. 4 lead, bismuth-tin and tungsten-iron, or No. 2 steel. Rifle-shotgun combinations also may be used, but no single-projectile ammunition may be used or carried.
Carrying or using rifles, handguns, dogs, electronic callers, drives and live decoys is unlawful. The use of blinds is legal so long as it is an “artificial or manufactured turkey blind consisting of all manmade materials of sufficient density to block the detection of movement within the blind from an observer located outside the blind.”
Coyotes may be harvested by turkey hunters. However, turkey hunters who have filled their spring turkey tag or tags may not hunt coyotes during the legal shooting hours of the spring gobbler season, unless they have a furtaker license.
Successful spring gobbler hunters must properly tag their turkey and report the harvest to the Game Commission within 10 days. Hunters also are encouraged to report all leg-banded turkeys they take to assist the Game Commission in ongoing research.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Falcon Archers first monthly 3D Shoot
For those out there who aren't going to the PSAA Indoor Championship this weekend, Falcon Archers first monthly 3D Shoot of 2013 will be held on April 7. 2013.
Shoot will consists of 30 targets (primarily Rinehart targets). IBO is using all Rineharts in 2013. Falcon will host an IBO World Qualifier on June 1 and 2. So make your way on out and start getting in tune for the Qualifier.
Casual start from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost is $10.00 for adults (18 and over) and $6.00 for youths. Kitchen will be open!
For your GPS or any mapping software, the physical address is:
Falcon Archers
47 Papp Road
Canonsburg, PA
Hope many of you can make it out
Shoot will consists of 30 targets (primarily Rinehart targets). IBO is using all Rineharts in 2013. Falcon will host an IBO World Qualifier on June 1 and 2. So make your way on out and start getting in tune for the Qualifier.
Casual start from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost is $10.00 for adults (18 and over) and $6.00 for youths. Kitchen will be open!
For your GPS or any mapping software, the physical address is:
Falcon Archers
47 Papp Road
Canonsburg, PA
Hope many of you can make it out
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