Friday, September 30, 2011
October Buck
This is what I am after on Saturday, Oct. 1st.... I would love to harvest a mature Pa Buck like this with my Parker crossbow. Good luck Archers, be safe and shoot straight.
House Bill 1854 Letter to your Rep.
Please feel free to use this sample letter to e-mail your representative.
As a concerned citizen I am writing to you to voice my opposition to House Bill 1854. This bill was recently introduced by Rep. Godshall on September 19, 2011. This legislation limits the harvesting of whitetailed deer to one per hunter, and makes absolutely no sense as far as a game management strategy.
I urge you to listen to your wildlife managers and sportsmen within the Commonwealth and oppose this legislation. As a lifelong hunter I am very concerned with all the wildlife in Pennsylvania and feel this legislation is counterproductive to proper whitetailed deer management.
As a concerned citizen I am writing to you to voice my opposition to House Bill 1854. This bill was recently introduced by Rep. Godshall on September 19, 2011. This legislation limits the harvesting of whitetailed deer to one per hunter, and makes absolutely no sense as far as a game management strategy.
I urge you to listen to your wildlife managers and sportsmen within the Commonwealth and oppose this legislation. As a lifelong hunter I am very concerned with all the wildlife in Pennsylvania and feel this legislation is counterproductive to proper whitetailed deer management.
House Bill 1854
Thursday, September 29, 2011
2011 Buck Season in Pa
Archery Buck season starts this Saturday here in Pa, I plan on hunting 2B with the guys from Whitetail Mgt. Associates. We will be hunting the same property that I harvested a doe on this season.
I need to pick up a new battery for my laser range finder and batteries for my head lamp and GPS. But other than that, I am all set. I have been going through my mental check list of gear and my shot process. I would love to have this site picture on Saturday.
I would love to send a Rage broad head through this Monster Buck. Archery season has always been very special for me. It's what I look forward to all year. I hope all the preparation pays off with an opportunity for a mature Buck, a quick clean kill and a easy recovery.
I need to pick up a new battery for my laser range finder and batteries for my head lamp and GPS. But other than that, I am all set. I have been going through my mental check list of gear and my shot process. I would love to have this site picture on Saturday.
The temperature is only expected to be a high of 50 Saturday, so it will feel like fall for sure. I will be using the Action TrackChair and Mobi-Blind, so check back for pictures. What are your plans for opening day? Good luck and be safe out there!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Youth Outdoors Unlimited
A guest post from Cindy over at Youth Outdoors Unlimited..
When we first started Youth Outdoors Unlimited, Y.O.U. it was a passion for hunting and fishing and a desire to share this great world with youth that we considered less fortunate. This shortly became so far from the truth as these families and kids quickly taught us. These kids and their families do not consider themselves less fortunate but very fortunate and have a real desire to help others who are less fortunate than them. Boy were we surprised at what we would learn over the coming year.
Shortly before our late archery hunting season I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Mike Macko with A Hunt Above . The youth that I first read about from Mike and his group was a boy named Nick who was born with no legs, one arm and on the one arm he had one finger. One finger was enough to pull the trigger on his rifle which harvested a beautiful 3 pt buck.
I was so touched by this story and with my new found passion for big game hunting I let my husband and hunting partners know that I wanted to start an organization to take youth like Nick on hunting and fishing trips. These inspiring kids should be able to experience the ultimate thrill of hunting (regardless of a harvest) just as I was . Of course my husband Joe, Don and Chris and Curt were all in. Immediately we started contacting Private Land Owners for permission to bring our youth hunting on their property. We have been blessed thanks to Wilson Creek residents, Tom and Cheryl Kammerzell of Maple K Farms and landowners in Spokane, WA
I consulted with Mike when we got home from deer camp and he gave me our list of things we would need to do. We would need an attorney and become incorporated and get our 501(c)3 status. So that's exactly what we did. Of course we didn't have any money so we had to get all of our services donated. We gathered a group of directors, established a mission and moved forward. Thanks to the donated services of our attorney and our website designers Heidi and Jason Backus we started looking for our first youth. And then we were blessed. Don called us and told us he'd found our first youth! First thing, we got him enrolled in Hunter's Ed.
This is Spencer Kimbro. Spencer was born with Spina Bifida and so many other medical challenges too numerous to mention. He was also born with a lower limb deficiency which caused him to be missing the lower portion of his left leg. Spencer turned 11 this year and has had over 15 surgeries. Although the doctors never thought Spencer would survive to delivery let alone beyond he continues to prove them wrong. He is strong, a character and a leader in this organization. He has a passion for the outdoors and doesn't let any physical disability keep him from being just like any other boy. His upper body is so strong, if he can't get somewhere in his wheel chair he is out of it and traveling on his hands. He is excited and well prepared for his hunt.
Because of Spencer's Spina Bifada we immediately contacted the Seattle Spina Bifida Association to let them know we were looking for more kids. What a thrill to get a call from Nicole Williamson and her son Mikey.
He had a real interest in hunting from watching the Outdoor Channel and his mom was looking for an organization to guide him through the process. She was thrilled to hear of us and we were thrilled for our next youth. Of course we asked them to immediately enroll Mikey in Hunters Ed. This really lets us know which kids are capable and ready for hunting and which ones aren't.
Mikey is smart as a whip and also passed his Hunter's Ed test with flying colors. Mikey is not 100% restricted to his wheelchair and walks with the aid of crutches. He plays Quad Rugby, Skis and any other sport he can get his hands on. He does have a unique challenge because he is missing parts of his fingers on each hand. (Again, part of the side effects of youth born with Spina Bifida). With the creativeness from the team of guys at Red Dawn Tactical we began a gun stock modification specifically fit for Mikey's hands.
Chad and his crew measured, sketched and went back to their shop with this specific mission in mind. With a 9 inch gun stock and a specially built thumb rest Mikey was very successful at our last training session. We so enjoy Mikey's humor and his desire to be the best. Because of Mikey's Hunter's Ed class we met Justin!
Justin is a healthy 11 year old boy who was born without his right arm. His dad and grandpa have always had a passion for hunting and were excited to have our help to teach him how to handle a firearm safely and confidently in spite of the missing of a limb. Justin is a perfectionist! Since he has never had a right arm he has learned to do everything without it including playing Guitar Hero on expert with his left hand and right foot! Do you think that's weird - we think its AWESOME!!! If you've ever play Guitar Hero it's not easy and he Rocks, literally.
Have these kids inspired you yet? We're not done. We just accepted our next youth from Eolia, MO. Zack Winkle is a 13 year old boy born with Muscular Dystrophy. Although Zack is confined to his wheelchair he is a straight A student and let us know that if he gets his deer next year that he would like to donate the meat to someone less fortunate than him. Wow! We will be flying Zack and his two parents to WA for the next fall buck hunting season.
People are trying to be encouraging and tell us what a great job we are doing. Although we appreciate the encouragement we are not doing anything special, we are the blessed ones. The fact that these families would share their amazing gifts with us and all of you will change our lives forever and hopefully yours. Please look past a person's disability or an illness, get to know them, ask their story. These kids are not Disabled but Differently Abled. When you find out what they can do it will definitely put perspective in your life.
Thanks for letting us share and we can't wait to share more. Follow Spencer, Mikey and Justin's fall hunts on our website . You can also follow us on facebook where we post lots of pictures. Spencer's mom has been doing special blog posting from a mom's point of view. It is a must read!
Want to help? Shoot me an email anytime at - there are lots of ways to help and it doesn't all revolve around giving money. Since we started this journey we have been blessed to connect with additional landowners who have since offered land for Turkey hunts, guided hunts from Alan Fowles of TrophyCreek , guided fishing trips and it continues to grow.
Mission Statement - Youth Outdoors Unlimited, Y.O.U. is a Central Washington based 501(c)3 non-profit corporation organized to take youth who have been diagnosed with a life threatening illness or physical disability and who have a DREAM WISH to hunt or fish on their own outdoor adventure.
Y.O.U. Fully funds all expenses associated with these trips including getting our kids outfitted from head to toe, cutting and wrapping of any meat harvested on a hunt, taxidermy, if desired, and video and pictures associated with their trips. We do not want these families to have to spend a dime for their youth to enjoy the great world of hunting and fishing as most of them already have enough medical expenses. All trips include travel, food and lodging for a youth and two parents or guardians. More information available on our website .
Thanks for listening. We love to brag about these kids and can't wait for the next gift.
Cindy, Joe, Don, Curt and Chris
When we first started Youth Outdoors Unlimited, Y.O.U. it was a passion for hunting and fishing and a desire to share this great world with youth that we considered less fortunate. This shortly became so far from the truth as these families and kids quickly taught us. These kids and their families do not consider themselves less fortunate but very fortunate and have a real desire to help others who are less fortunate than them. Boy were we surprised at what we would learn over the coming year.
Shortly before our late archery hunting season I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Mike Macko with A Hunt Above . The youth that I first read about from Mike and his group was a boy named Nick who was born with no legs, one arm and on the one arm he had one finger. One finger was enough to pull the trigger on his rifle which harvested a beautiful 3 pt buck.
I was so touched by this story and with my new found passion for big game hunting I let my husband and hunting partners know that I wanted to start an organization to take youth like Nick on hunting and fishing trips. These inspiring kids should be able to experience the ultimate thrill of hunting (regardless of a harvest) just as I was . Of course my husband Joe, Don and Chris and Curt were all in. Immediately we started contacting Private Land Owners for permission to bring our youth hunting on their property. We have been blessed thanks to Wilson Creek residents, Tom and Cheryl Kammerzell of Maple K Farms and landowners in Spokane, WA
I consulted with Mike when we got home from deer camp and he gave me our list of things we would need to do. We would need an attorney and become incorporated and get our 501(c)3 status. So that's exactly what we did. Of course we didn't have any money so we had to get all of our services donated. We gathered a group of directors, established a mission and moved forward. Thanks to the donated services of our attorney and our website designers Heidi and Jason Backus we started looking for our first youth. And then we were blessed. Don called us and told us he'd found our first youth! First thing, we got him enrolled in Hunter's Ed.
This is Spencer Kimbro. Spencer was born with Spina Bifida and so many other medical challenges too numerous to mention. He was also born with a lower limb deficiency which caused him to be missing the lower portion of his left leg. Spencer turned 11 this year and has had over 15 surgeries. Although the doctors never thought Spencer would survive to delivery let alone beyond he continues to prove them wrong. He is strong, a character and a leader in this organization. He has a passion for the outdoors and doesn't let any physical disability keep him from being just like any other boy. His upper body is so strong, if he can't get somewhere in his wheel chair he is out of it and traveling on his hands. He is excited and well prepared for his hunt.
Because of Spencer's Spina Bifada we immediately contacted the Seattle Spina Bifida Association to let them know we were looking for more kids. What a thrill to get a call from Nicole Williamson and her son Mikey.
He had a real interest in hunting from watching the Outdoor Channel and his mom was looking for an organization to guide him through the process. She was thrilled to hear of us and we were thrilled for our next youth. Of course we asked them to immediately enroll Mikey in Hunters Ed. This really lets us know which kids are capable and ready for hunting and which ones aren't.
Mikey is smart as a whip and also passed his Hunter's Ed test with flying colors. Mikey is not 100% restricted to his wheelchair and walks with the aid of crutches. He plays Quad Rugby, Skis and any other sport he can get his hands on. He does have a unique challenge because he is missing parts of his fingers on each hand. (Again, part of the side effects of youth born with Spina Bifida). With the creativeness from the team of guys at Red Dawn Tactical we began a gun stock modification specifically fit for Mikey's hands.
Chad and his crew measured, sketched and went back to their shop with this specific mission in mind. With a 9 inch gun stock and a specially built thumb rest Mikey was very successful at our last training session. We so enjoy Mikey's humor and his desire to be the best. Because of Mikey's Hunter's Ed class we met Justin!
Justin is a healthy 11 year old boy who was born without his right arm. His dad and grandpa have always had a passion for hunting and were excited to have our help to teach him how to handle a firearm safely and confidently in spite of the missing of a limb. Justin is a perfectionist! Since he has never had a right arm he has learned to do everything without it including playing Guitar Hero on expert with his left hand and right foot! Do you think that's weird - we think its AWESOME!!! If you've ever play Guitar Hero it's not easy and he Rocks, literally.
Have these kids inspired you yet? We're not done. We just accepted our next youth from Eolia, MO. Zack Winkle is a 13 year old boy born with Muscular Dystrophy. Although Zack is confined to his wheelchair he is a straight A student and let us know that if he gets his deer next year that he would like to donate the meat to someone less fortunate than him. Wow! We will be flying Zack and his two parents to WA for the next fall buck hunting season.
People are trying to be encouraging and tell us what a great job we are doing. Although we appreciate the encouragement we are not doing anything special, we are the blessed ones. The fact that these families would share their amazing gifts with us and all of you will change our lives forever and hopefully yours. Please look past a person's disability or an illness, get to know them, ask their story. These kids are not Disabled but Differently Abled. When you find out what they can do it will definitely put perspective in your life.
Thanks for letting us share and we can't wait to share more. Follow Spencer, Mikey and Justin's fall hunts on our website . You can also follow us on facebook where we post lots of pictures. Spencer's mom has been doing special blog posting from a mom's point of view. It is a must read!
Want to help? Shoot me an email anytime at - there are lots of ways to help and it doesn't all revolve around giving money. Since we started this journey we have been blessed to connect with additional landowners who have since offered land for Turkey hunts, guided hunts from Alan Fowles of TrophyCreek , guided fishing trips and it continues to grow.
Mission Statement - Youth Outdoors Unlimited, Y.O.U. is a Central Washington based 501(c)3 non-profit corporation organized to take youth who have been diagnosed with a life threatening illness or physical disability and who have a DREAM WISH to hunt or fish on their own outdoor adventure.
Y.O.U. Fully funds all expenses associated with these trips including getting our kids outfitted from head to toe, cutting and wrapping of any meat harvested on a hunt, taxidermy, if desired, and video and pictures associated with their trips. We do not want these families to have to spend a dime for their youth to enjoy the great world of hunting and fishing as most of them already have enough medical expenses. All trips include travel, food and lodging for a youth and two parents or guardians. More information available on our website .
Thanks for listening. We love to brag about these kids and can't wait for the next gift.
Cindy, Joe, Don, Curt and Chris
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wheelchair Access, Falcon Archers
My archery club, Falcon Archers recently installed a new ramp to the clubhouse! Prior to the new ramp, I had to take a portable aluminum ramp to every meeting.
It did not take the club long to recognize the need for a permanent ramp. They are a great group of men and women dedicated to the outdoors and made it happen.
The new ramp not only provides physical access to the building, but also says we are an all inclusive organization. Everyone is welcome with or without a disability. Thank you Falcon Archers !
Does your archery or gun club provide wheelchair access? If not, please be an advocate and get your organization accessible.
It did not take the club long to recognize the need for a permanent ramp. They are a great group of men and women dedicated to the outdoors and made it happen.
The new ramp not only provides physical access to the building, but also says we are an all inclusive organization. Everyone is welcome with or without a disability. Thank you Falcon Archers !
Does your archery or gun club provide wheelchair access? If not, please be an advocate and get your organization accessible.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Racks and Tails Magazine
Racks and Tails Magazine published my accessible turkey hunting story. It's great to work with companies who include all hunters with or without disabilities.
It looks like I am in great company, judging by the cover...
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Elusion Camo Mobi-Blind
The new Mobi-Blind from Elusion Camouflage will change the way hunters with disabilities hunt. Yes it's that good, easy on, great camo patterns and its mobile.
I am so proud to be a part of Elusion's Team, they jumped into creating a product for hunters With Disabilities. This Mobi-Blind is exactly what I need to get out there and enjoy the outdoors. I blend into my environment now and that has never happened with any camo, in any wheelchair. .
I am so proud to be a part of Elusion's Team, they jumped into creating a product for hunters With Disabilities. This Mobi-Blind is exactly what I need to get out there and enjoy the outdoors. I blend into my environment now and that has never happened with any camo, in any wheelchair. .
Lumenok Lighted Bolt
Since I do all my crossbow hunting on the ground I am going to give these bolts a try. Lumenok has been around for years as an insert, but they are now making complete carbon bolts .
The 20'' bolt weighs 319g with the lighted nock, my regular carbon bolts weigh 300g so its not much more. I will let you know how they shoot in my Parker. Have you used them, any thoughts?
Friday, September 23, 2011
Urban Hunting, Elusion Style.
Last night I had the opportunity to hunt in an urban setting using my Permobil C-500 wheelchair. As part of a local deer management unit I can access places that are power chair friendly.
In the past I had my brother John set up a traditional hub style blind, that took time and was difficult for one person to do. If you have ever done it you know its a pain and heavy to pack in.
Using the new Mobiblind from Elusion Camo was much quicker and easier by far to set up. I was hunting in minutes, watching the tree line behind me and three doe had no idea I was there . They were just outside my comfort range or I would have taken the shot .
I plan on going Saturday into the woods, that will require my Action TrackChair which also works well with this blind... Hope your season is going great, good luck!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Bushnell GPS Follow Up
I did end up purchasing a Bushnell Backpack GPS D-Tour and as usual, Field & Stream was right.
This GPS unit is extremely easy to operate with only four buttons and is very compact and lightweight.
Five waypoints are easily stored and just as easily returned to by following the arrow. Software is available for free (downloaded) to a PC or Mac, to track your route using Google map's.
My unit quickly found a satellite connection yesterday. So after setting it up which took only a few minutes, I decided to give it a test run. I was not hiking the Appalachian Trail, but did have plans to attend the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey game.
I set the trip function and set off to the Consol Energy Center. The GPS displayed my miles per hour and distance traveled as we made our way to the hockey game. Once we arrived, I marked my van location in the parking lot and turned the unit off.
After the game, I simply turned the unit on and followed the arrow directly to my Van, it really was that easy. But because I am really a geek, I also connected it to my laptop by USB cable when I got home.
The software showed my route to Consol, distance traveled, elevation and temperature. This will be great info when bow hunting. By using the software, I can use satellite images and topography to look for funnels and push points that game will be using.
I am very impressed with this little unit and will be using it a great deal this season!
This GPS unit is extremely easy to operate with only four buttons and is very compact and lightweight.
Five waypoints are easily stored and just as easily returned to by following the arrow. Software is available for free (downloaded) to a PC or Mac, to track your route using Google map's.
My unit quickly found a satellite connection yesterday. So after setting it up which took only a few minutes, I decided to give it a test run. I was not hiking the Appalachian Trail, but did have plans to attend the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey game.
I set the trip function and set off to the Consol Energy Center. The GPS displayed my miles per hour and distance traveled as we made our way to the hockey game. Once we arrived, I marked my van location in the parking lot and turned the unit off.
After the game, I simply turned the unit on and followed the arrow directly to my Van, it really was that easy. But because I am really a geek, I also connected it to my laptop by USB cable when I got home.
The software showed my route to Consol, distance traveled, elevation and temperature. This will be great info when bow hunting. By using the software, I can use satellite images and topography to look for funnels and push points that game will be using.
I am very impressed with this little unit and will be using it a great deal this season!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Best New GPS: Bushnell Backtrack D-Tour
Before my spinal cord injury I spent a lot of time in the woods, and had one of the first GPS units. made by Garmin. It was a little complicated and had difficulty finding satellites at times.
I did not think I needed a GPS again because of my limited mobility in my everyday wheelchair . But now that I am using my Action TrackChair, I plan on picking up this new GPS from Bushnell. Check it out for yourself here
It received great reviews from Field & Stream Magazine and is listed as the best GPS in 2011 . This is what they have to say:
If you want basic navigation and cool route functions but don’t want to spend a fortune or read a manual, the BackTrack D-Tour GPS is the unit for you. It can mark up to five locations—camp, the trailhead, an elk wallow, a clearing, or a rendezvous point—and guide you back to any of them, pointing the direction and giving the distance left to go. Hit the Trip button as you begin your hunt, and the D-Tour will log up to 24 hours of data including distance, speed, elevation, and temperature.
Plug it into your PC or Mac with a free downloadable app, and with a single button click, it will display your path on Google Maps while graphing speed, elevation, temperature, or distance. Just four buttons do everything on this -diminutive unit. —Jock Ellio
Sunday, September 18, 2011
2011 Archery Season Opener
September 17, 2011 started the archery season here in Pa. and like last year, I had the great pleasure to go hunting with Whitetail Management Associates (WMA). This year we went to a property in Gibsonia and as you can see, I had a fantastic day. Here is how it happened.
A few months ago Joe and Ryan from WMA emailed me asking if I was interested in participating in a disabled hunt again this year. It took me all of 3 seconds to reply YES PLEASE ! WMA is a group of men and women dedicated to the outdoors and are of the highest caliber of true ethical sportsmen. Hunting with them in 2010 was an experience I'll never forget, so I jumped at the chance to do it again.
Saturday morning started at 3:00 am as I got washed and dressed in my Elusion Camo and my brother John loaded my Action TrackChair onto my trailer (Dreams Become Reality) for the drive to Gibsonia and Chatham University .
We met Ryan and Tim along with the other volunteers from WMA who were giving up their opening day of archery to assist me. This is the first time they had seen an Action TrackChair and they could not believe how cool it was. Everyone wanted to drive it off the trailer for me.
Tim and Ryan did a two man lift to transfer me from my wheelchair into my Action TrackChair, we rounded up my Parker Buck Buster 175 crossbow and Rage Broadheads and we were off.
The Action TrackChair was the only chair capable of getting me to my hunting spot, at least in my opinion . I drove it through or over anything in my way to reach an intersection of deer trails.
Ryan Certainly did a great deal of preseason scouting to put me in the perfect place for the opportunity to harvest a mature Whitetail doe. The weather was cool around 47° and all I needed to do was sit tight and wait till daylight.
As the sun came up, John and I were treated to the antics of Chipmunks and Gray Squirrels running everywhere around us . I was constantly scanning my sector, trying to move just my eyes as I waited for a Whitetail Doe to approach.
By 8 AM, John and I had not seen any deer yet and the volunteers from WMA decided to slowly push some Whitetail's by us. They informed us of the plan and I stayed alert waiting for my shot opportunity.
It was 9 AM and I heard movement to my right, coming down the hillside. I said to my brother John this is it, and I took my safety off. Earlier, at first light he used my laser rangefinder to give me some exact yardage reference points.
The doe made her way down the hillside and stopped behide a tree. I knew that tree was 30 yards out in front of me. I settled my crosshairs behind her left front shoulder and activated my trigger activator. The bolt found its mark, a complete pass-through shot effectively taking out both lungs.
My brother said great shot Greg, you got her. I could not believe how fortunate I was to be in this situation with WMA again this year. We waited a few minutes and then John retrieved my crossbow bolt confirming the shot.
John quickly called Ryan on the cell phone and told him we should have a doe down very close by . It seemed like only a few minutes when Ryan and the other volunteers arrived .
I was very excited and got to relive the experience again as they asked me about my shot. I explained that I took a 32 yard shot right behind her front shoulder. They easily found the blood trail and retrieved my doe 30 yards away.
After a few pictures were taken we moved on to a different location. I was able to see an additional 40 odd deer, but none presented a clean ethical shot.
All the volunteers stayed the entire day and did everything they could to ensure I had a memorable day afield with them. John and I had a great day hunting together as only two brothers can.
We would like to thank all the volunteers at WMA for giving up their time and making sure I had the best possible hunting experience with friends and family.
John and I dropped off my Whitetail at Kips Deer Proessing in Carnegie Pa for professional processing.
I would also like to thank Elusion Camo for their Mobiblind system and Action TrackChairs. Without this equipment, I would not be able to get into the woods and become invisible.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Deer Vitals, Shot Placement
Its almost time for bed, all my gear is rounded up and here is what I'm thinking... shot placement. Tomorrow I want the chance to make a quick clean harvest of a mature doe. Good night and good luck to all you fellow bow hunters !
Bad News.....
HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Game Commission officials today announced that test results from a wild deer have confirmed that epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) has been found in Northampton County. This sample was collected Aug. 18.
EHD also has been confirmed in captive deer in Northampton County in the vicinity of the wild deer. Additionally, one captive deer in Erie County was confirmed to have died of EHD, based on a sample collected Aug. 13.
Residents are encouraged to call their respective Game Commission region office to report dead or sick deer. Contact information is available on page 5 of the 2011-12 Pennsylvania Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations, which is presented to each license buyer, and also on the agency’s website ( by clicking on “About Us” in the menu bar at the top of the page and then selecting “Regional Information.”
To provide the public with more information about EHD, the agency has posted an EHD information page on its website ( To view the information, place your cursor over “Wildlife” in the menu bar at the top of the page, then put your cursor over “Wildlife Diseases” in the drop-down menu listing and then click on “Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD).”
EHD is a common but sporadic disease in white-tailed deer populations of the United States, and is contracted by the bite of insects called “biting midges.” In more northern states, such as Pennsylvania, EHD occurs less often and affected deer are less likely to mount an effective immune response. The virus usually kills the deer within five to 10 days. It is not spread from deer to deer by contact. While EHD is not infectious to humans, deer displaying severe symptoms of EHD are usually not suitable for consumption because of the rapid deterioration of the meat and secondary bacterial infection.
HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Game Commission officials today announced that test results from a wild deer have confirmed that epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) has been found in Northampton County. This sample was collected Aug. 18.
EHD also has been confirmed in captive deer in Northampton County in the vicinity of the wild deer. Additionally, one captive deer in Erie County was confirmed to have died of EHD, based on a sample collected Aug. 13.
Residents are encouraged to call their respective Game Commission region office to report dead or sick deer. Contact information is available on page 5 of the 2011-12 Pennsylvania Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations, which is presented to each license buyer, and also on the agency’s website ( by clicking on “About Us” in the menu bar at the top of the page and then selecting “Regional Information.”
To provide the public with more information about EHD, the agency has posted an EHD information page on its website ( To view the information, place your cursor over “Wildlife” in the menu bar at the top of the page, then put your cursor over “Wildlife Diseases” in the drop-down menu listing and then click on “Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD).”
EHD is a common but sporadic disease in white-tailed deer populations of the United States, and is contracted by the bite of insects called “biting midges.” In more northern states, such as Pennsylvania, EHD occurs less often and affected deer are less likely to mount an effective immune response. The virus usually kills the deer within five to 10 days. It is not spread from deer to deer by contact. While EHD is not infectious to humans, deer displaying severe symptoms of EHD are usually not suitable for consumption because of the rapid deterioration of the meat and secondary bacterial infection.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Custom Hitch Action TrackChair
My friend Justin Ubel over at Axxess Creations manufactures custom products for individuals with disabilities. Maybe he does so well because he is a PWD and uses what he makes as well...
He sent me this BAD ASS custom hitch and receiver just in time for my crossbow hunt. Now I can move my trailer using the Action TrackChair and hopefully drag my doe out with it too! This is the mother of all hitches,, thanks Justin!
Pa Elk License 2011 Results
Pennsylvania Game Commission officials held a public drawing to award 56 elk licenses for the 2011 season. The event also was webcast via the agency’s website, the drawing drew 599 viewers, and served as a means to enable more people to view the public drawing. All 56 hunters selected to receive a license will be mailed a confirmation letter within about a week.
Of the 18 antlered elk licenses, 17 were awarded to Pennsylvania residents, and one awarded to a hunter from Ohio. All 38 antlerless elk licenses were awarded to Pennsylvanians.
All elk license recipients must obtain a general hunting license prior to purchasing their elk license. Elk licenses cost $25 for residents and $250 for nonresidents.
In addition to the 56 licenses drawn, one special Pennsylvania bull elk conservation license was auctioned off by the Safari Club International (SCI) earlier this year at its national convention.
The Special Conservation Tag was created by an act of the legislature in 2008. The successful bidder paid $29,000 for this license. Of that, 80 percent will go to the agency to fund habitat development and maintenance work within the elk range. By law, SCI is permitted to retain the remaining 20 percent to defray costs associated with promoting the auction.
Of the 18 antlered elk licenses, 17 were awarded to Pennsylvania residents, and one awarded to a hunter from Ohio. All 38 antlerless elk licenses were awarded to Pennsylvanians.
All elk license recipients must obtain a general hunting license prior to purchasing their elk license. Elk licenses cost $25 for residents and $250 for nonresidents.
In addition to the 56 licenses drawn, one special Pennsylvania bull elk conservation license was auctioned off by the Safari Club International (SCI) earlier this year at its national convention.
The Special Conservation Tag was created by an act of the legislature in 2008. The successful bidder paid $29,000 for this license. Of that, 80 percent will go to the agency to fund habitat development and maintenance work within the elk range. By law, SCI is permitted to retain the remaining 20 percent to defray costs associated with promoting the auction.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Gerber Multi Tool
Gerber makes a great multi tool that is essential in any day pack. This one goes into my hunting pack and always comes in handy. I also carry a set of hex wrenches and an extra trigger activator. Some say I'm OCD and I agree, but I needed both in spring turkey season. Being prepared means more time in the field and an opportunity to harvest game.
Knife Sharpener
Few things are as dangerous as a dull knife. I just bought a new knife sharpener thats easy to use and I think it does an adequate job, it will even sharpen scissors. It's the Wusthof two stage knife sharpener.
Before my injury, I used a Lansky knife sharpener. It was a lot more difficult to use and produced about the same results in my opinion. With this two-stage sharpener it's pretty easy, the knife stays at a 90° angle and you simply draw the knife through.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Laundry is every one's favorite subject, right? Not really, but if you are a Bow Hunter, laundry should be one of your biggest concerns.
Over the next few days I will be using laundry detergent that is scent free with no brighteners, to wash all of my clothing, including hats and face mask.
Then hang all my articles of clothing out to dry in the fresh air. When they are completely air dry, I will be spraying them with scent elimination spray and allow that to dry as well before placing them in an airtight plastic bag . How do you prepare your hunting clothes?
As for my body odor, I use scent free soap and unscented deodorant. I start washing with unscented soap a week before the season starts. Good luck and be safe !

Over the next few days I will be using laundry detergent that is scent free with no brighteners, to wash all of my clothing, including hats and face mask.
Then hang all my articles of clothing out to dry in the fresh air. When they are completely air dry, I will be spraying them with scent elimination spray and allow that to dry as well before placing them in an airtight plastic bag . How do you prepare your hunting clothes?
As for my body odor, I use scent free soap and unscented deodorant. I start washing with unscented soap a week before the season starts. Good luck and be safe !

Saturday, September 10, 2011
Gear Up for Fall
It's great to be part of the international hunting community. Check out Wild Jaeger on facebook, the Web and youtube. They are a fantastic group of men and women dedicated to the outdoors. This hat will be my new look for fall, after all we can't wear white after Labor day...
Friday, September 9, 2011
Elusion Camo
ELUSION CAMO MobiBlind© 2011 Custom wheelchair access camo unit
by Lee Dufresne on Friday, September 9, 2011 at 12:25pm
The New MobiBlind © 2011 is designed and ready to cut and sew. The prototype Unit is being designed and shipped to Greg for use and review. I am sure it will be a hit and once we have the word they will be made available on the website.
I can tell you the small details of the unit. It is a BDU jacket top and standard headcover....however there is a row of Velcro along the midline right at the velcro line of the Cargo pocket. Thats you can add the detachable Chair cover with the velcro attachments and still access the slip pocket and or velcro jacket pockets !! I am sure this will be quite a hit !! Unit 1 shipping to Greg Monday !!!
This is a fantastic company who care about All hunters, including HUNTERS WITH DISABILITIES, THANKS ELUSION !
I can tell you the small details of the unit. It is a BDU jacket top and standard headcover....however there is a row of Velcro along the midline right at the velcro line of the Cargo pocket. Thats you can add the detachable Chair cover with the velcro attachments and still access the slip pocket and or velcro jacket pockets !! I am sure this will be quite a hit !! Unit 1 shipping to Greg Monday !!!
This is a fantastic company who care about All hunters, including HUNTERS WITH DISABILITIES, THANKS ELUSION !
HARRISBURG (Sept. 8) - Due to flooding conditions in the Harrisburg area, Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe today announced that the public drawing to award elk licenses, which was scheduled for 10 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 9, has been postponed. A new date will be announced early next week
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Falcon Archers Annual Dick Zorn Bowhunter 3D Shoot
Falcon Archers in Canonsburg, PA will be hosting their annual Dick Zorn Bowhunter 3D shoot on Saturday Sept. 10 and Sunday Sept.11.
A 30 Target course with ranges set for the bowhunter, make for a great 3 D shoot ! Casual registration on Saturday from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM and on Sunday from 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Shoot one day or both days. $10.00 for each shoot. Novelty shoots and Door Prizes. Food and Refreshments will be available.
Directions to the club are as follows: From I-79 take the South Pointe Exit. Take South Pointe Blvd to Klinger Rd. Turn right on Klinger Rd and follow to the 4 way intersection. At the intersection turn left on Papp Rd. Club is located on the right. Watch for the signs at the driveway.
Or if you have a GPS, plug in 47 Papp Road, Canonsburg, PA. That should bring you right to our driveway. Club Phone (724) 746-2880 day of the shoot. For info prior to the shoot contact Darrell @ (412) 997-0166.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Hunting Fact Card
It's nice to have the facts about hunting when confronted by an anti hunter and the people at the National Shooting Sports Foundation produce a very handy card. Check it out HERE
Source: Texas Parks and Wildlife, 2007
THEN 500,000
NOW 32,000,000
In 1900, less than half a million white-tailed deer remained in the nation. Today, conservation programs have returned the whitetail population to some 32 million.
Source: Bowhunter Magazine, 2009
NOW 44,000,000
In 1901, few ducks remained. Today, there are more than 44 million ducks populating the United States and Canada.
Source: USFWS, 2009
THEN 41,000
NOW 1,000,000
In 1907, only about 41,000 elk could be counted in the United States. Today,
populations in 23 states total approximately 1 million.
Source: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, 2009
THEN 100,000
NOW 7,000,000
By the early 1900’s, encroaching civilization and habitat loss may have reduced the wild turkey population to under 100,000. Today, conservation programs have restored the population to more than 7 million birds.
Source: National Wild Turkey Federation, 2009
Source: National Wild Turkey Federation, 2009
THEN 12,000
NOW 1,100,000
About 50 years ago, the total U.S. population of pronghorn was only about 12,000. Today, conservation programs have helped increase the population to more than one million.
Source: Texas Parks and Wildlife, 2007
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Hunter Education Cards
If you are planning on hunting out west this year or another state, you better have a copy of your hunter safety card or you can't buy your license. Its easy to get a replacement card if you don't have the original...
Hunter-Trapper Education course records go back to 1987 and are maintained on a computer database. Bowhunter Education course records go back to 2000.
Contact the Game Commission's Hunter-Trapper Education Division at 717-787-7015 - Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. - for assistance in obtaining a replacement certificate. If you took a hunter or trapper education course before the above dates, you must complete a Hunter Education Program Replacement Certificate Affidavit form, which can be downloaded from this site.
The affidavit must be completed, signed and notarized before it is returned to the Hunter-Trapper Education Division. Replacement certificates are usually mailed in 10 to 14 days upon receipt of an application. NOTE: Effective February 1, 2005; a $10 fee is charged for issuing a hunter education replacement certificate.
Hunter-Trapper Education course records go back to 1987 and are maintained on a computer database. Bowhunter Education course records go back to 2000.
Contact the Game Commission's Hunter-Trapper Education Division at 717-787-7015 - Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. - for assistance in obtaining a replacement certificate. If you took a hunter or trapper education course before the above dates, you must complete a Hunter Education Program Replacement Certificate Affidavit form, which can be downloaded from this site.
The affidavit must be completed, signed and notarized before it is returned to the Hunter-Trapper Education Division. Replacement certificates are usually mailed in 10 to 14 days upon receipt of an application. NOTE: Effective February 1, 2005; a $10 fee is charged for issuing a hunter education replacement certificate.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Apparition Scents
If you like to use scents like I do while hunting, then give these local boys a try. I met them recently and think they are producing a great line of products. I am going to try Blind Date this season, I got a good feeling about it, and hope its like speed dating, lol
Survival Knife
For many years I carried the Air force Survival Knife attached to my backpack while hiking and camping throughout the US and Canada. It was an excellent knife, saw and hammer on many excursions.
I decided to attach it to my Action TrackChair this weekend with plastic wire ties. I may not be able to use it independently, or ever really need it anymore, but its a nice reminder of my youth. Keep in mind it's seen almost 30 years of use but still looks good.
I decided to attach it to my Action TrackChair this weekend with plastic wire ties. I may not be able to use it independently, or ever really need it anymore, but its a nice reminder of my youth. Keep in mind it's seen almost 30 years of use but still looks good.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
My Hunting List 2011
- Action TrackChair
- Ammo, Remington 150 grain Core Lokt PSP
- Arrows, Carbon half moon nock
- Backpack, Remington
- Bottled Water, Drink Aide
- Brace for Gun or Bow
- Broadheads, Rage 2 Blade 100 grain
- Cell Phone
- Cover Scent
- Decoy, Miss November
- Digital Camera
- Doe Bleat
- Drag Rope
- Extra Batteries
- Extra Clothing
- Facemask
- Flashlight or Headlamp
- Ground Blind
- Grunt Tube
- Gun, Remington 750 in 270 Cal. or Bow, Parker Buck Buster 175
- Hat
- Hunting Knife
- Hunting License/Permits
- Quiver
- Rain Gear
- Range Finder
- Rope Cocker or Crank
- Scent/Lures Apparition Blind Date
- Scent Eliminating Spray
- Trigger Adapter crossbow or Power Trigger Rifle
- Wire Ties, plastic
What are you using this year? What did I leave off for a successful accessible wheelchair hunt?
Friday, September 2, 2011
HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe said the agency’s public drawing for the 2011 elk hunting licenses will be webcast beginning at 10 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 9. To view the drawing, a “Live Elk Drawing” icon will be posted on the agency’s website ( for individuals to click on and watch the drawing.
In order to watch the live feed, you will need to have Flash Player installed on your computer. If you do not have Flash Player installed on your computer, please go to this link: Once Flash Player has been installed, you can watch the drawing.
“Each year, tens of thousands of individuals apply for an elk license,” Roe said. “Unfortunately, not all of them can make it to the public drawings. And, due to financial limitations, we are only able to send notification letters to those who were selected to receive an elk license. By webcasting the public drawings, more people can view this drawing without having to travel to the agency’s Harrisburg headquarters.”
Beginning at 10 a.m., the agency will conduct the public drawing to award 56 elk licenses. Roe also noted that those who have submitted applications can check to see if they were selected, by Sept. 16, thanks to the new Pennsylvania Automated License System (PALS).
Presently, the status for all individual’s applications for elk licenses is listed as “Pending.” Once the database is updated, which is expected by Sept. 16, those who were selected for an elk license will see the status changed to “Awarded,” as well as the designation of the Elk Hunt Zone and whether they were awarded an antlered or antlerless elk license. Those not selected will see the status changed to “Unsuccessful.”
To access the information, go to the Game Commission website (, and click on the blue box in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage. Click on the “Purchase License Permit and or Application/Replace License and or Permit” option, which includes the ability to “Check on the status of any Lottery Application,” scroll down and click on the “Start Here” button at the bottom of the page. At this page, choose one of the identification options below to check your records, fill in the necessary information and click on the “Continue” button. Click on the appropriate residency status, which will display your current personal information. At the bottom of the page, choose the “Check on the status of any Lottery Application” button, and then hit “Continue.”
“While this may seem like a lot of clicking and box checking to get to the information, the system is designed to protect an individual’s personal information, while at the same time enabling that person to check on the status of his or her applications, as well as their antlerless deer license applications,” Roe said. “Prior to PALS, the only way to know for sure that you were awarded an elk license was to attend the public drawings, wait for a letter in the mail or to call the Game Commission.
“This year, thanks to PALS, we will be able to update the data files for each license buyer shortly after the elk public drawing is completed so that license buyers will be able to see for themselves if they were drawn for one of the licenses.”
In order to watch the live feed, you will need to have Flash Player installed on your computer. If you do not have Flash Player installed on your computer, please go to this link: Once Flash Player has been installed, you can watch the drawing.
“Each year, tens of thousands of individuals apply for an elk license,” Roe said. “Unfortunately, not all of them can make it to the public drawings. And, due to financial limitations, we are only able to send notification letters to those who were selected to receive an elk license. By webcasting the public drawings, more people can view this drawing without having to travel to the agency’s Harrisburg headquarters.”
Beginning at 10 a.m., the agency will conduct the public drawing to award 56 elk licenses. Roe also noted that those who have submitted applications can check to see if they were selected, by Sept. 16, thanks to the new Pennsylvania Automated License System (PALS).
Presently, the status for all individual’s applications for elk licenses is listed as “Pending.” Once the database is updated, which is expected by Sept. 16, those who were selected for an elk license will see the status changed to “Awarded,” as well as the designation of the Elk Hunt Zone and whether they were awarded an antlered or antlerless elk license. Those not selected will see the status changed to “Unsuccessful.”
To access the information, go to the Game Commission website (, and click on the blue box in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage. Click on the “Purchase License Permit and or Application/Replace License and or Permit” option, which includes the ability to “Check on the status of any Lottery Application,” scroll down and click on the “Start Here” button at the bottom of the page. At this page, choose one of the identification options below to check your records, fill in the necessary information and click on the “Continue” button. Click on the appropriate residency status, which will display your current personal information. At the bottom of the page, choose the “Check on the status of any Lottery Application” button, and then hit “Continue.”
“While this may seem like a lot of clicking and box checking to get to the information, the system is designed to protect an individual’s personal information, while at the same time enabling that person to check on the status of his or her applications, as well as their antlerless deer license applications,” Roe said. “Prior to PALS, the only way to know for sure that you were awarded an elk license was to attend the public drawings, wait for a letter in the mail or to call the Game Commission.
“This year, thanks to PALS, we will be able to update the data files for each license buyer shortly after the elk public drawing is completed so that license buyers will be able to see for themselves if they were drawn for one of the licenses.”
Thursday, September 1, 2011
HARRISBURG – For the first time since 2004, the Pennsylvania Game Commission will offer public tours of its four game farms. Guided tours are scheduled to begin at noon and conclude by 3 p.m., rain or shine, at the game farms in Armstrong, Crawford and Lycoming (two farms) counties on Sept. 25 and Oct. 2.
“The tours are designed to provide the public an opportunity to learn more about the Game Commission’s game farms and our pheasant propagation program,” said Carl G. Roe, Game Commission executive director. “While pheasants are not a native species to Pennsylvania, or the United States for that matter, the Game Commission’s pheasant-stocking program provides a tangible product for the license buyer, heightens the hunting experience – especially for youth - at a time when wild pheasant populations are low and is a valued service for many sportsmen.”
Tour stops will include hatcheries, brooder houses, and rearing, “grow-out” and over-wintering pens. Workshop discussions will focus on objectives in propagation management, including sportsmen’s organizations participating in raising day-old chicks provided by the farms to increase local hunting opportunities and surplus day-old hen chicks that are sold to the public. Also, after registration and before taking the tour, visitors may view a brief DVD highlighting farm operations throughout the year.
When visitors arrive on tour dates, they will be asked to register before game farm personnel take them on a guided tour. In order to maintain biosecurity and minimize human contact with the birds, visitors will be asked to remain with tour groups.
Since budget cuts in 2005, the agency has been raising 100,000 ring-necked pheasants annually at the Game Commission’s four game farms and releasing them on State Game Lands and other public lands under cooperative agreement.
“In recent years, the Game Commission has invested in many game farm improvements,” Roe said. “And, thanks to recent revenues from Marcellus Shale-related gas leases on State Game Lands, the agency plans to increase its production level to distribute 200,000 birds during the 2012-13 hunting seasons.”
Goals for the pheasant propagation program are found in the agency’s pheasant management plan, which can be viewed on the agency’s website ( by putting your cursor over “Hunt/Trap” in the menu bar at the top of the page, then clicking on “Hunting” and then choosing “Pheasant” from the “Small Game” listing.
Tour dates and directions to the game farms are as follows:
Loyalsock Game Farm: Sunday, Sept. 25, Lycoming County, 136 Game Farm Rd., Montoursville, PA 17754. The game farm is five miles north of Montoursville on Route 87. Tour starts at the hatchery.
Northcentral Game Farm: Sunday, Sept. 25, Lycoming County, 1609 Proctor Rd., Williamsport, PA 17701. The game farm is 23 miles north of Montoursville on Route 87. Tour starts at the office/hatchery of the Proctor (northern) farm.
Western Game Farm: Sunday, Oct. 2, Crawford County, 25761 Highway 408, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403. The game farm is 3.5 miles east of Cambridge Springs on Route 408. Tour starts at the office/hatchery.
Southwest Game Farm: Sunday, Oct. 2, Armstrong County, 217 Pheasant Farm Rd., New Bethlehem, PA 16242. The game farm is two miles south of New Bethlehem off Routes 66/28. Tour starts at the office/hatchery.
“The tours are designed to provide the public an opportunity to learn more about the Game Commission’s game farms and our pheasant propagation program,” said Carl G. Roe, Game Commission executive director. “While pheasants are not a native species to Pennsylvania, or the United States for that matter, the Game Commission’s pheasant-stocking program provides a tangible product for the license buyer, heightens the hunting experience – especially for youth - at a time when wild pheasant populations are low and is a valued service for many sportsmen.”
Tour stops will include hatcheries, brooder houses, and rearing, “grow-out” and over-wintering pens. Workshop discussions will focus on objectives in propagation management, including sportsmen’s organizations participating in raising day-old chicks provided by the farms to increase local hunting opportunities and surplus day-old hen chicks that are sold to the public. Also, after registration and before taking the tour, visitors may view a brief DVD highlighting farm operations throughout the year.
When visitors arrive on tour dates, they will be asked to register before game farm personnel take them on a guided tour. In order to maintain biosecurity and minimize human contact with the birds, visitors will be asked to remain with tour groups.
Since budget cuts in 2005, the agency has been raising 100,000 ring-necked pheasants annually at the Game Commission’s four game farms and releasing them on State Game Lands and other public lands under cooperative agreement.
“In recent years, the Game Commission has invested in many game farm improvements,” Roe said. “And, thanks to recent revenues from Marcellus Shale-related gas leases on State Game Lands, the agency plans to increase its production level to distribute 200,000 birds during the 2012-13 hunting seasons.”
Goals for the pheasant propagation program are found in the agency’s pheasant management plan, which can be viewed on the agency’s website ( by putting your cursor over “Hunt/Trap” in the menu bar at the top of the page, then clicking on “Hunting” and then choosing “Pheasant” from the “Small Game” listing.
Tour dates and directions to the game farms are as follows:
Loyalsock Game Farm: Sunday, Sept. 25, Lycoming County, 136 Game Farm Rd., Montoursville, PA 17754. The game farm is five miles north of Montoursville on Route 87. Tour starts at the hatchery.
Northcentral Game Farm: Sunday, Sept. 25, Lycoming County, 1609 Proctor Rd., Williamsport, PA 17701. The game farm is 23 miles north of Montoursville on Route 87. Tour starts at the office/hatchery of the Proctor (northern) farm.
Western Game Farm: Sunday, Oct. 2, Crawford County, 25761 Highway 408, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403. The game farm is 3.5 miles east of Cambridge Springs on Route 408. Tour starts at the office/hatchery.
Southwest Game Farm: Sunday, Oct. 2, Armstrong County, 217 Pheasant Farm Rd., New Bethlehem, PA 16242. The game farm is two miles south of New Bethlehem off Routes 66/28. Tour starts at the office/hatchery.
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